Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vlad is Mad, why not bring him to Seattle?

Vladimir Guerrero was just released by the Toronto Blue Jays after a brief stint with their AAA club in Las Vegas.  Guerrero was hitting .358 with 4 HR and 12 RBI.  When he signed his deal with Toronto, both sides set a date at which point a decision would be made to promote or release the one time AL MVP.  That date came and went, which prompted Vlad to pack his bags following a game on Monday.  Blue Jays officials said there just wasn't any room on their MLB roster so they followed through with their agreement to release him.

Jack Z, are you reading this?  Get on the phone now and have this guy in uniform before the day is over!  You hear me?

The Mariners signing Vlad makes way to much sense to me.  The M's need that veteran presence in their lineup in a bad way.  Signing Vlad would be cheap and could provide that presence.  It would also allow the M's to make a few more moves without even blinking.  Figgins could be released immediately.  Olivo could be put on the trading block and hopefully shipped off before he has another passed ball.  Montero and Jaso could easily hold down the catching duties for the year.  Vlad could be the DH on the days Montero caught and then be used sparingly in the outfield on days Montero was DHing.  It just makes too much sense.  Not to mention that by having Vald in the lineup you can start to take away any pressure from the likes of Smoak, Montero and Saunders to be the big bat in the lineup.

I challenge anyone to dispute my thinking and offer up reasons why it wouldn't work.


  1. I'd rather they just gave the atbats to Vinnie Catricala or Casper Wells or Alex Liddi.

  2. I agree with Wells, he should still be up with the club. Liddi needs to stop striking out so much before he's going to get a real shot. Catricala is struggling in AAA right now, tough to bring a kid up if he can't do it down there.

  3. I say trade the team for an NBA team so we can have our Sonics back.


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